
About Me

What brings me joy is seeing the confidence restored to my clients as they start their skincare regime. We are able to make major changes and improve skin health overtime to restore what once was. I work in collaboration with my clients as we identify their specific issues and begin our journey to learn, restore, and love their natural skin. 

I began my career in this industry to be an educator on all things concerning skin health and self care. I work in tandem with Le Mieux, which is an advanced skincare solution, as they are formulated to make significant changes over time to your skin. All of my treatments are completely tailored to your specific skincare needs and I am able to use different modalities and techniques during treatments. I continue my education by being a member of Skin Care Literature. This association is an esthetician “bible” that is on the cutting edge of all skincare technology.  

Mature skin is a passion of mine, as I am in this age bracket. As I continued to age I started to notice the increasing dryness in my skin and later learned that hormone replacement is not an option for me. I have now gained the tools and daily regime with  Le Mieux’s products. With my success, I now love to share this knowledge with others. I like to remind clients that it is always easier to “prevent” than “restore.”  Issues like acne, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, loss of elasticity are skin issues that can be prevented. 

In your mid-20s you start a major transformation in your body's ability to retain nutrients such as hyaluronic acid, peptides, hydration, and youthful plumpness to the skin. This is when you start noticing fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and products that used to be enough in your routine that now aren't working like they used to. I believe if a person starts young enough, you can go an entire lifetime with exceptional skin and feel comfortable without having to wear face makeup. It’s never too early to start!